Business Games

Brain Ring

The players are invited to join in a fascinating intellectual tournament based on the rules of the legendary Russian TV show "What? Where? When?". One of he teams is to play at the central table with a spinning top.
1,5 - 3 hours
Evening sessions
  • The game marathon is made up of two sessions, eleven rounds each. The longer a team stays at the mirror table with the spinning top, the better their chances of becoming the Champions.
  • Before the first question, the teams are to make their bids under the sealed-bid auction rules. Whoever bets the highest amount of game credits gets to sit at the center table. The participants will have one minute to think plus ten seconds to write their ideas down and hand over the answer sheets.
  • If the center table team gives the correct answer, they can either continue the game or leave the table, one point added to their score. If the team chooses to stay, but answers the next question incorrectly, it loses the extra points won for the previous questions. It does not, however, lose any points for correct answers or game credits.
  • The game hosts are the Crystal and Diamond Owl winners, Rovshan Askerov and Boris Levin.

Develops following competencies
by The Lominger competency model

  • Interpersonal communication

  • Handling uncertainties

  • Timely decision-making

  • Creativity

  • Problem-solving

  • Time management
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